Thursday, April 7, 2011

LOTD: Multicolor Lips (Pink shades)

Hi! So I'm still feeling a little bit dramatic, then another idea strucked my brain. I always wanted to make a dramatic lips but never had the time to execute it. So here's what I came up with, multicolor lips.

Inez Eyeliner Pencil in Black
Wardah Lip Palette (No. 7 and 2)
NYX Round Lipstick in Honey

Wearable Multicolor Lips

Wardah Lip Palette (No.7)
NYX Round Lipstick in Honey

How I did it:
It's kinda hard so I'm gonna show you a picture. So I applied the color like this.
left: first look, right: second look

And then I closed my lips and rubbed it to each other so the colors blended in. Easy, schmeasy right? :)


  1. I just realized, u did amazing job with your lips. It looks more even.. your actual lips already even tho' but the way you draw it, nice..

  2. @mada thank youuuu <3 sbenernya kan ada tutorial lips gini di youtube make occ lip tar, aku lupa link nya, cuman dia make warna warni gitu, keren deh hehe

    @jovee hihi thank you iya masih feeling dramatic hehehe

  3. @chell dirimu teh SalvatoreG kan ya hihihi ayo dicoba, lucu loh multicolor lips gitu hehe

  4. hai,, i am your new follower..beli produk2 wardah dimana sih sis yang lengkap?

  5. halo :) tinggal dimana? kalo di jakarta, coba ke pasar baru, atau ke mayestik, atau ke toko2 kosmetik di ITC. kadang di carrefour suka ada sih tapi lebih mahal :( di depok coba ITC depok, di bandung kalo ga salah coba ramasinta, di jogja em daerah malioboro suka ada katanya hehe, hope i help ;)

  6. cakep bangettt... two thumbs up deh..

  7. Baguuusss... emang wardah punya warna segelep itu yaa? keren euy
    tampiliin yang full face pake bibir ini doong.. ^^

  8. @ephong hehe thank youuu <3

    @poo kalo LOTD yg #1 itu lining bibirnya make eyeliner inez yg item kak pu, tapi kalo yg kedua make palet wardah ijo yg paling gelep, lupa nomer berapa hehe

  9. wow.. bibirnya kereenn
